Hightouch Hightech is bringing our hands-on science right into your home, online that is. Just click on the link below and register your child for our online science class.
Once they are signed up, you will be given a code to join. We will also mail you the materials needed to do the experiments so you don't have to spend time and convenience trying to get them yourself.
Just like with our in-class programs, all the same science concepts and terminology are explored. Children will still get to experience being chemist creating chemical reactions, zoologist learning about adaptation, engineers building their own bridges and much, MUCH more! They will have so much fun doing the experiments they won’t even realize they’re learning science.
Our science programs are taught by professional educators that are fun, enthusiastic and LOVE working with young, future scientists, just like your children.
One click and your child is on their way to enjoying all sorts of fun, exciting and HANDS-ON science and nature experiences. Sign up today!
Encourage science discovery in children around the world!